Moresque CONTESSA, a floral, musky bouquet launched exclusively at Paris Gallery during DSF 2016

30 Jan 2016, Dubai, UAE

As part ofthe Dubai Shopping Festival’s line-up of Perfume-themed events ,  Italian niche perfumery, Moresque, launched CONTESSA, an olfactory portrait of an Italian noblewoman who lived during the nineteenth century in a small Tuscan village where the narrowed roads open on a landscape of hills covered with olive trees and vines. A scenery and a nature of enchanting splendor outshined by a woman capable of obscuring the beauty of flowers, of capturing the rays of the sun, and even of suspending time and seasons. CONTESSA is available at Paris Gallery in the UAE.

As part ofthe Dubai Shopping Festival’s line-up of Perfume-themed events ,  Italian niche perfumery, Moresque, launched CONTESSA, an olfactory portrait of an Italian noblewoman who lived during the nineteenth century in a small Tuscan village where the narrowed roads open on a landscape of hills covered with olive trees and vines. A scenery and a nature of enchanting splendor outshined by a woman capable of obscuring the beauty of flowers, of capturing the rays of the sun, and even of suspending time and seasons. CONTESSA is available at Paris Gallery in the UAE.

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